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The Forum Fitzsimons

To meet the urgent need for long-term, Safe-Clean housing for a growing adult patient population, Brent’s Place expanded in 2019. Today, we lease 16 furnished apartments at The Forum Fitzsimons (The Forum) apartment complex, located directly across from the Anschutz Medical Campus. Thanks to the generous support of donors and our hospital partners, families staying at the Forum Fitzsimons receive unmatched support regardless of their financial situation.

13650 E Colfax Avenue

Aurora, CO 80010


Tour The Forum

The Forum apartments – with its luxury amenities including a 24-hour fitness center, community clubhouse, and ground-level dining options – allow adult patients and their families to experience high-quality independent living, our signature Safe-Clean housing, and support services in close proximity to life-saving treatments. With an on-site office unit staffed by Brent’s Place employees and dedicated Family Support and House Operations teams servicing all our facilities, we’re able to provide our uniquely tailored resident experience to all those in our care,  fostering the uplifting community that remains foundational to the Brent’s Place mission.

“The fridge was stocked and there was any appliance we could need or want. For months we’d been living in survival mode . . . this was the first time we felt like someone was there for us as a family.”

-Scarlett, past resident

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11980 E 16th Ave. 

Aurora, CO 80010

P: 720-343-2800

Office Hours:  

Labor Day-Memorial Day: Monday - Friday  9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Memorial Day-Labor Day: Monday - Thursday 9 a.m. to 5p.m.

                                                                 Friday 9 a.m. to 12p.m.
Brent's Place is closed on weekends and major holidays.

Brent's Place is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. If you give cumulatively more than $250 per year, you may be eligible for a state income tax credit through the Colorado Child Care Contribution Credit. EIN #: 84-1387528

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